So as I delve deeper into the reality of being a survivor of sexual abuse and what its meant for my life reality, I came to realise my inner child, was in utter say the times it feels like she is insane, running around inside me, pulling at her hair, crying, raging, trying to get out of her body....then my adult self just sits there in utter disbelief, as with the lack of linear memories its been very difficult to 'make sense' of this on a logical level...and I am not sure I ever will....maybe just come to a space of peace with what is...
At the moment I am still very much in 'coping' stage, in that I use all the resources available to me to get through each day, I use numerous control patters, such as eating, which either means I eat feel like I am in control or something to get the emotions pushed down asap like carbs or sugar....
Having a major passion in health and fitness this tears me up no end....I love the raw food lifestyle and live it as much as I can at the moment, however I notice as soon as I start eating very alive, life giving foods, my vibration raises and my light shines and its much harder to ignore or suppress my shadows....and I know I probably have this all backwards in that I would probably find it much easier to cope with the full on emotions if I ate more raw and less processed however, as I am still not feeling comfortable with the hectic, sometimes overwhelming emotions that are coming up at the moment, I am taking things one step at a time and know I will return to my rawful way of life in time.....
I notice my adult self judging and suppressing my inner child, like she's a naughty little girl sometimes...I have noticed my sincere lack of desire to be playful in my life unless its in a cheeky way as I don't know how just to have fun without expecting some kind of punishment for it I guess....although one thing that has always enlivened me is dancing and singing....I have noticed though that when I am cold (which is a trigger),,,or triggered in another way, I shut down, don't want to move, go anywhere or do anything, just hide away,,,,leave my body not feel all the overwhelmingness that is for me in that moment,,,and so maybe this explains why dancing helps me feel free and alive and that it is enjoyable to be in my body, and singing well I remember being silenced so of course feeling like my voice is not restricted and its safe to sing will always create the sense of freedom!
The other control patterns I use to stay disconnected are the (who would I thought!) and movies....they all allow me to focus on something else, put my energy elsewhere or live through the emotions of others...because I don't want to face my own....
I no longer want to cope...I am now so acutely aware each time I am choosing to supress rather than honor and this act in it self tears me up....I want my inner child to feel safe, to be able to walk with me daily, enjoy being....enjoying living, learning, loving and giving....
However I am still not sure how to get from here, to there,,,,I know there needs to be some acceptance of what is...some healing of beliefs which hold me in the patterns of coping rather than living my real truths and less criticism of where I am at and why....
Its easy to say and I say it to my clients all the time, one step at a time, and as you take each step you will then know the next one, going with the flow, letting go...and allowing the process to unfold rather than trying to control it all...
So thats what I did and last week I met with a dear friend, who has experienced a similar journey to me....similar reactions and recovery as well...she has given me some wonderful tools to continue on my healing journey, one which I will share as its proven to be very helpful...
Each day I connect in with my inner child for 10minutes only...we meet in a safe space and I am just present with her...let her know I am here, and I also ask my (our) guardian angel to be present to watch over us both....sometimes we talk, other times she cries...more like rages in my arms...and then sometimes we just play.....we always say good bye with a cuddle and I always leave her in a safe space....
I guess I am giving myself the empathy, and loving support that I did not feel worthy of as a child, too afraid to ask for help, with the whole thing seemingly to BIG to deal with......however I have come to understand that there is a reason I am dealing with this now rather than then....and this question has brought me much anger and grief up until I now understand I needed to life experience I have gained since the trauma to be able to properly process and heal from it, as at the age of 4 I did not have the understanding, the wisdom that has come with time....
Love n Blessings to all xxx