Monday, September 6, 2010

Some days I disappear

Today I felt like I disappeared, well the person I know myself to be....I was lost in a sea of emotion and un-countable was tough very tough....I wanted to scream, and be able to throw myself around in one of those padded rooms, knowing I would not be able to hurt myself in there if I threw myself to the floor....I wanted what I was feeling to be out of my body, gone for ever, however it was radiating from each and every cell and it felt like glue, holding me in this sticky cold cocoon and unable to get away from the desperate horrendous emotions.....

In between the, what seemed like forever moments...there were moments of joy somehow....the weird thing about it all was that although I was having a bad day....I saw two clients today and both sessions where really enjoyable and I felt great, clear, aligned and on purpose! How can that be! When I say clients I am a healer, channel and Medium....and what I was reminded of was my choice and my power over each and every moment....So I can choose to honor my self sabotaging beliefs and painful memories and have myself relive them like there were yesterday, crushing my love and vibrancy for life....or I can choose to accept them, however not re-live them....and honor the real truth and gift of each moment....see the light of the situation and Love myself more than I do the second before and accept the shadows I am dealing with....and then with that breath funnily enough the wind beneath that hideous emotions dies....moves on and peace and joy once again prevail....

So sometimes I think I disappear however I just go into the shadows to only come out clearer than before...

Love n blessings to all


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