Monday, June 6, 2011

Holding onto....fear....letting go....

I am love, I know this to be true, however the fear from the past comes in to my present body in utter shock and meltdown....then as it passes love returns and I trust in myself again.....its not about forgetting its about acknowledging, and letting go and remembering the truth....I am loved and nothing but me stops me from feeling love from others...

Love Marakihya

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thank you Mother Earth for your Guidance....

The seasons of transformation...

As I ground within myself. I come to notice the seasons of my journey, as I align with the support and love of mother earth., I see the gifts she offers me within her cycles of transformation.

Autumn - Shed the old - letting go
Winter - Resource, get clear, rest
Spring - New beginnings, birth of the new reality
Summer - Expression, celebration

As I shed the old and replace the new, go within and resource myself. Get clear and see the fruits of my seed planting grow and express in celebration of who I am...and the gift of life's journey...

Thank you Mother Earth

Love Marakihya

Nelson Mandela - Thank you for this...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are all powerful beyond measure.
Its our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking to that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
Its not just in some of us: its in every-one.
And as we let our own light shine, we un-consiously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others...

Namaste*** Nelson Mandela *** Namaste

Love Marakihya

The gift of relationship...

My closest relationships are my biggest mirrors, offering my gifts of greater clarity.

Sometimes I ge lost in the illusions, caught in my head, I need to move back into my heart, scared of the emotion - making it bigger and my life harder.

Stepping into my heart, connection honestly with myself and allowing myself to feel again, letting the tears flow and therefore gaining the gifts from the intense emotion. The needs arise that were not met in the moments those memories and emotions where created. Therefore offering me greater clarity, that I desire...and no longer being afraid of those 'big' emotions.

I never felt safe to be totally honest about how I felt. Scared it would bring my family and friends crashing down around me or running as far as they can.

I just want to live and feel safe always in my relationships, my connections and know in time the more I connect and feel, the more I will be able to be present within those connections, rather than being triggered from the past.

Love Marakihya

Forgiveness was the key to creating my dreams...

Forgiving my past and myself meant acknowledging my life up until this point was a lie to some extent, as well as my utter truth.

In that I had handed my power over to my abusers and ''blamed'' them for my life not being all I wanted it to be.

Forgiving them meant taking back my power and owning responsibility for my life. Not blaming anyone, anymore, and recognising we are all just trying to get our needs met.

Also in the process of noticing therefore I had lived a lie until this point and forgiving myself for this was a major step in wanting to take the reins of my life and creating the reality I wanted to live.

Allowing my life choices to support my new reality. Removing the bands from my wings and dusting off the limiting beliefs, so as to choose ones which support the new reality I am wanting.

Living my dreams....


Completion and letting go, totally making room for the new to grow.

Creating the reality I am wanting to create, full of connection, peace, playfulness, abundance and flow.

Welcoming joy and co-creation into my life, accepting support and nurturing.

Welcoming friendship and the fruits it brings, honouring my needs and owning my life and its responsibilities.

Rejoicing in my ability to live joyously and giving to others unconditionally and receiving in the same truth.

Connection means, joy, fun, play, love and support....

Ah yes it may be.

Love Marakihya

Who I AM....?

Daily as I reconnect with the truth of who I am, I come to realise there is no susinct description for it.

For I am one and I am all.

As I move through life, I experience different roles and relationships .

Simply reflecting my beliefs of who I think I am.

So is who I am who I believe I am for this is the reality I experience.....

For if I am one and all, there is no definition for who I am at all...

So in essence, I can only say I am love like one n all...


Creating my own reality....
Accepting wholeness - my whole self.

My shadow offers gifts of greater clarity.
When I live in wholeness, accepting what is
I create the reality I want to live.

My heart guiding the way and
My shadows fading away.

My hope for living authentically
Becomes my Reality....

Love Marakihya

Sometimes I disappear...

Sometimes I feel that I disappear,
Really though, I am just
Stepping into my shadows....
Only to return clearer and
More aware of my wholeness
And who I am....Love xxx

Friday, June 3, 2011

See yourself in the light....

Ah this song spoke to my soul, and the line regarding the dark (my abuse memories), and how to scare away the vampires trying to drink my blood, he says to lead them to the light.

In essence thats what I do with my memories from my abuse, because they are gifts, they help me see the illusions I have created about myself and the world I live in. At the same time, they have some how kept me safe...maybe not living from a space of love however non the less, a gift as seeing them means I see the light in me...see the each day I am being faced with more dark, and thats ok because without it I would not see the light.

So I share this song, as a little reminder, that the beautiful people reading this, on your dark days whatever that means to you, just remember to lead them to the light...

Much Love Marakihya

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Surrender out of choice, the memories...and the lesson of allowing..

Its been ages since I posted, allot has changed, shifted, transformed, and my past each day is becoming more that, however at the same time the intensity of what my body is remembering from my past has been intensifying by a thousand I recently experienced something for the first time this life time, out of choice rather than force.

Surrender, ah that word conjures up so many emotions and memories as I sit with it. I have been the master of holding on, of not surrendering, and control, and of making excuses as to why it wasn't safe to surrender and why?

I finally found out why when I was met by and incredibly beautiful man, that sat with me, connected with me, and saw all of me without running from the pain, anger, fear, rage that he saw in my heart....and it was the first time I had experienced such presence and willingness from a man to connect with me deeply, as this is sooo not common place in society, and I too never felt safe to do this...I was clearly ready and longed to be seen! What woman doesn't!

So the trust was built and I opened up, I was asked to surrender and I was the one that set the boundaries, and I am sure those of you that have been abused know how divine it is to feel its ok to say no and be the one to set the boundaries....ahhh.....

So as he stepped forward I was totally aware of my body, my being and its desire to surrender, to the soft loving being I am the divine goddess that I be met by a man fully seeing me, all of me, not afraid by what he saw....all of me...the light and shadow...and as he did layers of protection started to fall as I felt his presence, his respect, and by the time he was standing right before me, I was totally open, totally surrendered, and totally was the most exquisite feeling ever....and it only lasted a few minutes, and then the pain hit like a thunder bolt direct from the sky right to the core of my being....I started to cry....and at the time had no idea why, however understanding was to follow.

I have noticed since the experience, how armoured I am, how I am closed down, and my feminine really doesn't feel safe to let herself shine, be the love that she is... I notice this through the way I walk, talk, eat, laugh, simply communicate, where I am at in my body and the presence and love I bring it each moment is generally always hidden behind my armour....and I don't feel this is my truth, as its only their out of fear of being abused, not seen, and being vulnerable and abandoned.

Because my experience of surrender, as a child, was one of force, and it not responded to a whole lot more pain than already being felt, by my boundaries not being respected and me not being see.

What I also understood afterwards was the first time I surrendered sexually, although the above was not sexual in any way... I was forced...and this time I wasn't. So I had finally experienced what I longed for in those moments when being abused. I experienced, respect, love and I was SEEN. So the beautiful gift of this experience was that it was deeply triggering and the pain I felt from being forced to surrender to men repeatedly came flooding back into my body...and it was crippling to say the least....

The next day I shut down, in total emotional overwhelm, and eventually I felt safe enough to let go and surrender to the pain and let it flow and the tears certainly flowed....and the deep pain rose up and lifted, over and over again like a big stormy sea....and my body was simply some drift wood amongst it riding the waves....with no direction but letting go...I felt a massive relief afterwards but at the time I certainly did not want to be in my body!

Since then daily, my body has released memories, the most random things triggering me, which at times is very unsettling, as before this experience the triggering had really settled down and I was getting into a comfortable flow. However going so deep so quick meant the layers...before the core, also needed clearing, so thats where I am at now.

I am truly grateful for the experience, in that its help me get in touch with emotions so tightly held in my cells I clearly felt on some level need a big push to come out. I now feel so much safer to surrender to painful feelings as they come up, and to stay in my feminine more, as it was a truly empowering feeling, to be the one to set the boundaries. It has also helped me understand the importance, of allowing myself to create story around my memories so that the new neural pathways are formed and peace prevails when I am next triggered. However I have also learnt some valuable lessons from it as well.

Not someone to do things in halves, I understand the desire for people to heal their abuse story as quickly as possible, because mine came up out of the blue 18 or so years after it was like pandora's box was opened and it hit my life like a massive tornado! So sitting with the aftermath of the tornado, I pushed hard to get it cleaned up asap....

However after this experience I have come to realise, pushing my body so hard, although has meant I have shifted allot quickly my physical body has been melting in the process, normally one to love exercise and adventure, every time I attempt any I am getting sick, my adrenals are done, from being used excessively daily just to get through and therefore my immunity shot!

So I would say to others, wanting it OVER AND DONE WITH remember its a journey, and its allot more enjoyable if you have the energy to have fun in between the moments of memories being re-written...and going to hard and fast will mean in those moments when you could be out having fun, you are stuck in bed...recovering...and it aint fun! Allowing the process to unfold in alignment with your physical body is allot more enjoyable...and it means those memories are just part of your journey right now, not all of it ;)

Thank you to my friend who helped me heal, and all those that support me on my journey, your love, respect and support is lovingly appreciated....

With Love Marakihya xxx